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  • Alex Farnworth

Concept Art of Emma Watson in Belle's 'Villager' Dress for New Movie Emerges

10:11pm ET

Disney has been teasing the highly anticipated live-action Beauty and the Beast through posters, TV spots and pictures. Now, they're taking it a step further by showing some concept art of Emma Watson as Belle in her villager wardrobe.

One noticeable difference between the concept and the animated feature is Belle's hair-do: Watson seems to be going with the hair-down look, while Belle had a well-kempt ponytail in the original. Another difference is the choice of footwear. The animated princess starts the movie by wearing worn out flats, this concept art suggests Emma Watson is trading those flats in for some boots. There will surely be more changes (like Lumiere & Cogsworth) once people see Beauty and the Beast in its entirety.

Beauty and the Beast hits theaters March 17, 2017.

*Picture Credit: Oh My Disney

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